there are some things that people share with others that they probably wouldn't know about from anybody else. self-disclosure is when a person shares something of himself to someone - something that can only come from himself.

banana moon
the dogwoman
faith and charm
the sky sweetheart
spin and whirl

    I'm going to have my thesis hard bound tonight. H...
    After such a long time of not riding one, I took t...
    Count on me to spend my first few days of summer i...
    I can stay a whole day without bathing. Have I to...
    Let me recount to you the past two days of my so-c...
    Tomorrow's the BIG day! I don't have the familiar...
    I can't believe I'm cramming yet again. But what ...
    I think I'm getting too lazy for my own good. I c...
    It's been raining and the only thing good about it...
    This is love! Jason Mraz was amazing. I never th...

01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
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11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
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Saturday, April 03, 2004
The past three days of summer has been quite wonderful. (: I've been helping out NiƱa with her portfolio - as one of her pseudo-models. Dressing up and putting on make-up is fun. (: Today, I'm going with her to help style these bunch of girls. I wonder how that will go.

50 First Dates was one of the sweetest movies I've ever seen. To have someone make you fall in love with him everyday? Wow. Every guy should watch it and take the hint. Haha! And I love the soundtrack! I downloaded everything off Kazaa, and I'm missing only one song now. I feel like I'm on the beach when I hear songs from the soundtrack. Lovely.

On the other hand, The Passion of the Christ was something else. Totally. I don't think I've been assaulted that much by a movie. My stomach was doing turns and I felt like throwing up and I actually looked away from the screen a couple of times. I fell silent for a good five minutes or so after the movie. I don't know about everybody else, but it sure made me believe even more and made my faith even stronger than it is. I love God and seeing the movie just made it clear how he really did suffer and die for us. And I can't believe how sometimes I take that for granted. How I don't seem to care. What a wake-up call. I'm glad I watched it. And I don't know what it did for Ton, but seeing his face after the movie and how he also fell silent, I hope it was a good thing for him, too. I'm not of the preachy type, but I really want him to have a better relationship with Him. And maybe the movie was a step.

I got some pictures printed at Kodak and they sort of came out discolored. I wonder why. Maybe it's the printer? Anyhow, I should remember to get them in 4x6 prints next time because the 3x5 prints look odd. I'm having my supersampler pictures developed later, too. I kind of ruined the film while loading it so I don't know if it got exposed or scratched or what. I hope the pictures come out though, because the colors are probably going to be really nice.

I want to go swimming.