there are some things that people share with others that they probably wouldn't know about from anybody else. self-disclosure is when a person shares something of himself to someone - something that can only come from himself.

banana moon
the dogwoman
faith and charm
the sky sweetheart
spin and whirl

    I hate it when I'm put in this kind of position. ...
    So I was watching Oprah last night - I couldn't sl...
    Attraction. There are a lot of things to consider...
    Last night, was another ritual of sorts in the clu...
    In the four years I've been in college, I've notic...
    Sometimes, I have this feeling of being a pushover...
    I'm reading through a book by Richard Carlson. It...
    In class last night, we were discussing self-discl...

01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
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Monday, January 26, 2004
We used to have a table tennis, er, table. We used to have badminton rackets. We used to have a basketball ring. We used to play all the time. That's what I love about having a semi-big family. There's always someone to play with. We can even play doubles in table tennis. We used to love playing tag, or taguan or sometimes, on very rare occasions, Marco Polo in our garden. The even number makes it possible for us to play on teams. It's usually me and my youngest brother and my Kuya and the one who came after me. Those were fun times.

And then, of course there's the downside with having three brothers. When we were younger, we were so physical with each other. We'd hit each other with remote controls and kick each other until there was a bleeding lip or a bump on the head. Terrible, terrible.

And now, I'm two months away from graduating. My Kuya is kind of working. My younger brother is in the same college as I am, and the youngest is going to start college in a few months! We barely have time together, except when we're all in their room, waiting to be given time to use the computer. I only see my Kuya when he wakes up in the middle of the day, or when he's just about to leave in the evening.

I was coming home from school when I realized how I get so irritated easily with my brothers, while I'm so patient with other people. How come? Is it because I see them all the time? Does that make people more annoying, when you're exposed to them more? Then, shouldn't they be less annoying to me since we barely see each other, anyway? Except for mealtime, mornings and Mass? Ahhh. Questions of life.

This sounded so much better when I was thinking about it in the car. Hahaha. Never mind. d: